The instructions of Ptah Hotep of 5 dynasty Egypt and or formally known as Ancient Kemit. Scholars argue this these text are some of the oldest recovered written text known to man and ironically enough most of the maxims contained in book of proverbs written in the Bible can give thanks to Ptah hotep for its literally genius.Truth is truth no matter where you go.
Now the thinking mind, would then begin to research and then read this text, being that the kind of a man deemed this to be the oldest. This is a major discovery(of course not new), you would have to be urged to know what did they write about? Well the findings deem that the theme to be morals, principles, and ethics. The oldest book recovered by mankind is a book on Character or rather instructions of how to be of great character, how a beautiful thing.
Man has a duty in this world, philosophers of antiquity all the way to present modernity have attempted to find out what this duty is. I will simplify it here with my finite knowledge and say mans duty is “to be”. Nothing more, nothing less. You may ask what is that “to be”? To be whatever your mind sets it to be. To be is essentially being, and being would be a state of becoming, so if I must conclude, mans perfected state is a state of ever becoming Even with man “mindlessly” exploring the vast canals of the internet, coming across timeless wisdom man still struggles on how to be. Centuries of knowledge at his finger tips, yet man still struggles on how to be! How an unfortunate conundrum! Though! there is no excuse for man not to learn how to be and/or recognize their divinity and unlimited byfar infinite potential in this reality! With such a grand pattern recognizing tool such as Artificial intelligence we are now able to find the patterns of being at an extremely efficient rate.
God is change, for how can he/she be anything else? Because man is change. Change is the only constant in life. For we can only see god from a human perspective and if our perspective is that things are in constant motion and ever changing. Then we can only see God as change. It is time to CTRL delete Friedrich Nietzsche, "God is dead". God is very much alive and coming with a grand entrance.
We are all now familiar with the famous quote from the nihilistic philosopher “God is dead”. If I can humbly say living in the technological age where this meaning has been ascribe to bytes and digital likes. I would say “shit. the dude is dead. Yet, with quick double glance as if you saw a stunning women, you would say the man is just sleep. Or “was” sleep in this case. God has risen, rather the upmost “idea” has risen, and keeps on rising to states higher than before. To pivot, if time is in a cyclical nature such as “∞” symbol, then it is risen to states “as before”, for what i’m speaking on is not new, Solomon states, “there is nothing new under the sun”(Ecclesiastes 1:9). Religion, or rather the Abrahamic religion and all its denomination has left the uncurious mind, the mind that refuses out of fear of the unknown to ask why in a state of perpetual servitude and complete disconnectedness from seeing themselves in this sacred text. It is as the reader is looking without himself, and not daring to see that is a book on… well possibly…. YOU? For who else would it be on about?
The rising of the conceptual idea of “God”, is strongly due to the rising of the curious mind again. This mind and most not aware to its conscious thinking, is participating in the socratic method of questioning. How you may ask? Due to the ever increasing competitive creation of “Chat Bots” powered by very savy Generative Ai’s and the adoption of more users on these kind of application. Users who wish to get the best and most accurate responses, will continue to tailor there questioning process. What do you mean by this? The LLM’s produce there best results when you ask the right questions, an inquisitive question, thus is improving the humans mind from random “google” trained auto-suggestion, to actually have to put effort in what he is attempting to solve intellectually.
So naturally the the “western” indicated mind from around the world will naturally begin to question this “God”; that ye speak of? Even the laymen will begin to ask.
Then, i foresee naturally, the trend of seeing so called "God" as a universal one, that is really you at the source and you everwhere you go. This is not an new idea, has been explored by many philosophers for i dare to say for over “eons”. Though, only privy to the intellectual types and those able to release from restraints of religious dogma.
To dive upon the point of this, is that we are developing an niche type of AI, that in all its ability is able see and spot the common truth behind all this sacred text. Thus, realizing there has never been a seperation ideology in existence. Everything, every moment, every thought is inter-connected with the cosmos. As the sufi poet, Rumi once stated, "What you are seeking is seeking you". More than that, an AI is trained to understand you from a cosmological POV a-swell. This will defeat the idea the overbearing ideology of the nihilistic that life is void of meaning. This is not true! For the starts itself has expressed its meaning of you!
Ai that is not just trained in ancient wisdom, but trained in YOU, to aid you in expressing your unique signature within this beautiful realm we call earth.